
Group: DynoMotion Message: 243 From: dunncl66@yahoo.com Date: 3/20/2010
Subject: Stop moving already
I got a bit of a problem. I am trying to control a servo on a table. The servo is continuous trying to move the table until I remove the signal wire from the KAnalog to the servo controller and then it stops. Any ideas what I have wrong?


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Group: DynoMotion Message: 244 From: dunncl66 Date: 3/20/2010
Subject: Re: Stop moving already
Update - It seems the Bode Plot measure command latches on. I hit the measure button and the table (servo) starts moving at a constant rate in one direction until I hit the kill button. I believe this latch was on when I was hooking up the Kanalog output to my servo amp. Shouldn't the Bode plot make the axis go back and forth during the measurement period?

Thanks for the help.